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  4. 最适合烘焙的烤箱是什么? 比较煤气、电、 & 对流烤箱

最适合烘焙的烤箱是什么? 比较煤气、电、 & 对流烤箱


How do you choose the best oven for baking at home? 唯有通过 compares gas, 电, and 对流烤箱s to help you decide on which oven you should use.

Have you been watching popular baking shows and want to create something of your own? 无论你梦想做一个令人垂涎的, sugar-spun confection or simply want to bake a cake for your child’s birthday, you may be wondering if your current oven is the best oven for baking at home. 

Though the best oven for baking depends on your baking preferences and what you make most often, you can certainly create baked masterpieces no matter which model you have. 

这里有一些建议 为你的厨房找到合适的烤箱, so you can officially get out those cookie molds and soufflé ramekins and get to cooking! bet3365标准版概述了天然气的利弊, 电, and 对流烤箱s to help you learn which one is best for you.




  • 当考虑 电气与. 煤气炉 for baking, keep in mind that the heat on 煤气炉 is instant. 它加热得很快.
  • If your home is already equipped with a gas line, 煤气炉 may be more cost-effective to install than an 电炉.


  • The internal temperature can fluctuate widely in 煤气炉, so it doesn’t heat as evenly as 电 or 对流烤箱s.
  • 大多数煤气炉都有 热点影响食物煮熟的均匀度.
  • The inside of 煤气炉 tends to be more humid than other oven types, leading to issues with food browning and crisping.


  • Because of 煤气炉s’ notorious 热点, it’s best to rotate your cooking trays during baking.
  • To make your oven heat more evenly, place a baking stone on the floor or lowest rack of your oven. Don’t cook directly on the stone, though—it’s just there to even out the heat.
  • 因为在煤气灶里更潮湿, consider cooking items that you want more browned on the top rack or turning up the oven temperature by 25 degrees to get more crunch and crisp on the food.
  • Avoid cooking in dark metal bakeware, which can cause your foods to burn at the bottom. 




  • 因为电线圈加热和冷却的速度很慢, there tend to be fewer spikes and drops in the temperature of an 电 baking oven.
  • The inside of an 电炉 remains dry, which helps food crisp up and turn golden brown.
  • 线圈提供的热量不那么强烈, so you don’t have to worry as much about the undersides of your food burning.
  • Electric ovens cost considerably less than 煤气炉s.


  • Unlike gas heat, the 电 coils take longer to heat up to the set temperature.
  • Even the best 电炉 for baking can easily cause your food to over-brown due to its dry heat.


  • 因为线圈需要一些时间来预热, consider preheating longer than you may think necessary to ensure an optimal temperature.
  • 以免把食物烧焦, loosely tent some aluminum foil over the top of the dish if you notice the edges or tips starting to brown too quickly.
  • An 电炉’s “sweet spot” is in the center. For the most consistently cooked food, place the baking rack for the oven on the middle row.


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  • Because of the 对流烤箱’s third heating element and fan, the hot air directly around the food is steadily maintained. This can be an asset when baking bread in the oven. 了解更多关于 对流烤箱是如何工作的.
  • Food cooks more quickly and evenly than in other ovens.


  • Ovens with a convection setting are generally more expensive than conventional ovens.


  • Because a 对流烤箱 cooks food so efficiently, lower the temperature that a recipe calls for by 25 degrees.
  • 同样的, 因为你的食物往往煮得更快, 留意一下, 尤其是在烹饪快结束的时候.
  • To ensure the air circulates well, cook with low-sided pans.
  • Avoid using a 对流烤箱 for baking anything fragile, 比如蛋奶酥饼, as the air may blow the mixture around and distort the result.

After choosing the best oven for baking, consider investing in a 烤箱保修. A home warranty can help protect your budget when covered components of your oven, as well as other covered home systems and appliances, 因正常磨损而失效. 了解更多关于美国本土盾的信息® 是什么 包括在bet3365标准版的bet3365标准版 计划. 

了解更多关于如何 延长烤箱的使用寿命. 


你的烤箱需要帮忙吗? 唯有通过 ProConnect提供 你身边的烤箱维修.


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